Case Study UI/UX Design: How Parents Maintain Children Learning Activites through E-Report
All over the world is experiencing a covid-19 outbreak that affects various sectors, including the Education sector. Since the WFH (work From Home) period, learning activities at school have also been paused and replaced with new system, study from home.
Teachers and practitioners try their utmost to keep learning process going well. However, it turns out that not only teachers that have to work harder, parents as guardians of the students also had to give their time and effort to supervise their children studying. Because now there are no teachers who supervise the students directly, now parents inevitably have to help and supervise their children more in learning activities from home
I did research on peoples who act as guardians and parents of the students in studying during this WFH period. The following are their responses of the issues.
From the research, it can be concluded that the guardians of these students experienced difficulties and were overwhelmed to look after and supervise children during WFH period. They must devote much of their time and attention to making sure the children have completed their assignments according to the instructions of the teacher.
- The parents do not know the needs of children as students
- Guardians are overwhelmed in managing children’s learning schedules
- Spending a lot of time watching children learn is a must
- There is a certain schedule of subjects, homework, and examinations that are integrated with the teacher or school
- There is a report system to find out the result of what student’s learn regularly
- Ease of communication and consultation with the teacher
Through the backgrounds idea, problem, research, solution and my analysis, I made a UI Design for E-Report mobile application.
I’m not come from this field, but still I want to learn so much about UX and UI.I took some icons and illustrations from freepik website, my special thanks for the creator. Please do not hesitate to leave feedback and discuss with me, as a wise man once said:
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
— Benjamin Franklin